About Us

The Cherubim and Seraphim Church Unification Campus Fellowship is a conglomeration of Cherubim & Seraphim Church Youths (graduates and students) in Institutions of Higher Learning in Nigeria (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education) worshiping together as redeemed people of the Lord in oneness of mind (ISOKAN!).
At Present, the church has over 100 chapters/branches in various higher institutions in Nigeria and some outside Nigeria.
Our focus is to proclaim the gospel of our lord Jesus christ as laid down by Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase as well as to develop, educate and train our youths in institutions of higher learning through organized Seminars, Symposia, Conferences, Conventions, Sub-Conventions and Bible study with the view to making them christ-like and better citizens.

JUST LIKE YESTERDAY The Church started as a prayer group of some young Cherubim and Seraphim members who were then in the University and with a quest for joint meeting and prayers on campus.

The church is on a mission which will make us to go beyond borders and cross boundaries, irrespective of the language been spoken, we are committed to this mission that is why we can never be tired.

The church with a vision will always expand and increase, this has been our testimony since establishment, we have been following our vision statement which has been guiding us.
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee... John 17:21

Eccl. 12:1- Remember now thy creator in the days of thine youth...

Jo maje ki fitila egbe yi ku                Quench not Thy light forever in this order
Jo mase je k’ ota le rig be se              Never allow the foes to draw us back
Jo tun gbogbo ibaje inu re se           Remove the filthiness in every corner
Je ko gbile nu’ fe oun’ wa mimo     Establish us forever and evermore
Wo Oba Sion o d’ owo re                   Thou God of Zion, oh! God of light
Jo maje ki’ yo egbe wayi dobu         Let not the savor of Thy salt ever lost

Our Family Song
We are one in His Love
Where He appoints we go
And in His steps we tread
And show His praises below